Thabiti Anyabwile’s What is a Healthy Church Member?

Thabiti Anyabwile has written a wonderful and helpful little IX Marks book that should be placed in the hands of every church member, and, God willing, will be placed in the hands of the members of First Baptist Church, Dawson (i.e., we’ll be doing home groups through this book soon).  A companion work to Mark Dever’s Nine Marks Of A Healthy Church and What Is A Healthy Church?What Is A Healthy Church Member?discusses ten marks (adding one, prayer, to Dever’s original nine).  They all begin with “A Healthy Church Member Is…”, and conclude:

1. an expositional listener

2. a biblical theologian

3. gospel saturated

4. genuinely converted

5. a biblical evangelist

6. a committed member

7. seeks discipline

8. a growing disciple

9. a humble follower

10. a prayer warrior

The discussion of each is succinct, accessible, brief without being shallow, and practical without being “gimmicky.”  I particularly like his discussion of expositional listening, and kept thinking how careful attention to such a concept would revolutionize worship as we know it.  Numbers 4 and 5 provide some very helpful discussion of the need to share the whole story of the gospel when we share it.  I think Anyabwile has offered a real corrective here for the type of evangelism that attempts to tell the “good news” without sharing first the “bad news” that makes the “good news” good!

Each of the chapters is helpful and commendable.  This would be a tremendous resource to work into a new member orientation class or to take your church through in small groups.

IX Marks is to be commended for producing these wonderful tools.

Check this book out.