Michael Card’s Scribbling in the Sand Audiobook – A Real Treat

514O69VhfML._AA300_I was initially a bit disappointed to see that the audio version of Michael Card’s book Scribbling in the Sand on Audible (it’s available many other places too) was a 2.5 hour abridged version of the book.  I was wanting the unabridged audiobook.  However, I noticed that it was read by Card himself and featured appearances by folks like William Lane and Calvin Miller, so I decided to get it.  In short, I’m really glad I got this!  It was absolutely fantastic and, as I say in the blog post title, it was a real treat.

First of all, the content was great.  Card discusses the nature of creativity, its call upon all of God’s children, the dangers of it, what creativity is and what it is not, the role of community in fostering and encouraging creativity, and how and why the Church needs to reclaim its call to creativity today.  Card offers a lot of helpful personal stories that evidence a real spirit of transparency.  What is more, the additions to this audiobook – Card singing, the interviews, and, especially, a poem by the late (and dearly missed) Calvin Miller accompanied by Phil Keaggy on the guitar – were all on point and very helpful.

The primary image Card uses, that of Christ scribbling in the sand when the woman caught in adultery was brought to him, is effectively employed throughout the book.  Card depicts it as a surprising, provocative, childlike, and creative act.  What is more, he depicts it as an act to which Christ calls us and in which Christ invites us to participate.

It’s kind of hard to categorize exactly what this is.  It’s not a traditional audiobook.  It’s more of a production of the core teaching from each chapter of the book along with accompanying helps from very insightful and skilled people on the issue of creativity.  This was a profoundly helpful devotional exercise by a man that I continue to respect more and more. Definitely worth checking out.

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